maandag 27 september 2010

Launch Gladly magazine

Last Friday we went to the launch of the amazing Spiritual online lifestyle magazine "Gladly".
As a woman the world expect you to be a business woman, a mother, a wife, friend, daughter etc... and when do they have time for themselves?
The Gladly-woman is the modern woman who is looking for balance in her life. She wants to enjoy life the fullest and embrace herself, that is the only way she can be herself. 
Gladly is about spirituality your inner self but also about your appearance, beauty, fashion. The whole package. 

We love the concept because there is no other magazine like this and it's interactive. You can also ask questions to professionals. Gladly Magazine also has a Foundation, the foundation is all about kids, helping them, support them etc...

We want to congratulate the founder Gladys Celosse with this amazing online lifestyle Magazine.